Cookie Policy

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  3. Cookie Policy

SoundCommerce Technologies, Inc. (the “Company,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) collect certain information about our website visitors and registered users of the Network (as defined below) (“you” or “your”) when you visit and (the “Sites”), and/or use our software-as-a-service data platform (the “Application”).

Cookies are small text files that are sent to a web browser and are stored on your terminal device when you access a website. Cookies are used for different purposes (computer authentication, session monitoring, storage of information on specific configurations regarding users that access the server, storage of preferences, etc.).

This policy describes our use of cookies. The Company uses certain first-party cookies, which do not require your consent, commonly referred to as “strictly necessary cookies” to make sure our digital services work correctly and are meeting audience needs and interests.

The Company uses the following strictly necessary cookies:

  • session cookies: their use is strictly limited to the transmission of session identification data (random numbers generated by the server), which are necessary to allow the safe and efficient exploration of the Site and/or Network; they are not permanently stored on your device and disappear when the browser is closed. In particular, the use of session cookies is aimed at the security and improvement of the service offered; and
  • technical cookies: necessary to keep track of the consent given by you.

Some third parties may also provide cookies or similar technologies on the Site and/or Application. These cookies are only used if you consent to their use. You are free to withdraw such consent at any time.  Such cookies or similar technologies are not under our control, and are managed by the third parties, as indicated in the table below, and are divided into the following macrocategories:

  • analytics cookies: these cookies are similar to technical cookies insofar as they are used directly by the website manager to collect aggregate information on the number of visitors and the pattern of visits to the Site and/or Application;
  • marketing/advertising cookies: this category of cookies includes cookies used to provide advertising services within a website. Deactivation of such third party cookies does not affect the use of the Site and/or Application; and
  • profiling cookies: these cookies are used to track your navigation on the web and to create profiles on your tastes, habits, choices, etc. With these cookies, advertising messages can be transmitted to your terminal in line with the preferences already expressed by you when browsing online.

The use of these cookies and the performance of the processing operations connected to them require your prior consent, in accordance with the applicable regulations. The deactivation of such third party cookies does not compromise the use of the Site and/or Application.

Google Analytics

The Company may use Google Analytics to collect certain analytical information (including IP addresses) to help us better understand activity on the Site and Network. Google Analytics uses cookies to track you on the Site and Application, to record multiple visits by you to the Site and Application, and to record all the pages that you visit on the Site and Application. Google Analytics tracks your visits to the Site and Application whenever you return.

The Company receives this data from Google in an aggregated, anonymous form that does not personally identify you. The Company will not use Google Analytics to track, collect or upload any data that personally identifies you (such as a name, address, or billing information), or other data that can reasonably be linked to such information about you by Google.

The Company will not facilitate the merging of personally identifiable information with nonpersonally identifiable information that is collected through any Google product or feature unless you have specifically and affirmatively provided the Company with your consent to that merger of personally identifiable and non-personally identifiable information.

The Company and other third-party vendors, including Google, use first-party cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookie) and third-party cookies together to inform, and optimize the Site and/or Network based on your past visits to the Site and/or Application.

If you would like to learn more about how Google uses information collected through Google Analytics, you can read about it at:

If you would like to opt-out of Google Analytics, you can download and install the add-on for your web browser at:

Cookie Table

Below is a table that provides you with more information about first party and third party cookies we use that may collect your personally identifiable information:

CookieType and functionProfilingHosting domain
_galiGoogle Analytics tracking cookie used to track link
mp_MixPanel tracking cookie used to track online behavior across websites and apps to build detailed profiles for personalized experiences and targeted
_gidGoogle Analytics cookies used to distinguish
_ga_Google Analytics cookie that tracks stores and counts
_ga_PZKCJ3PKTSGoogle Analytics cookies used for analytics and service
_ga_MJH3NKQ6CCGoogle Analytics cookies used for analytics and service
_gat_Google Analytics cookies used for analytics and service
NIDGoogle cookie used for preference storage and potential ad targetingNo
SIDGoogle cookie used for Firebase authentication and secure user
__Secure-1PSIDGoogle cookie used for user identification and personalization across Google
__Secure-3PSIDGoogle cookie used for personalization and tracking across third-party
HSIDGoogle cookie used for user identification and account
SSIDGoogle cookie used for session management and user
APISIDGoogle cookie used for personalization and targeted advertising on Google
SAPISIDGoogle cookie used for personalization and targeted advertising on
__Secure-1PAPISIDGoogle cookie that tracks user preferences and behavior across Google services to personalize ads and content, potentially sharing data with third-party websites that use Google
__Secure-3PAPISIDGoogle cookie that tracks user preferences and behavior across third-party websites that use Google services to personalize ads and content, sharing data with Google and its
SIDCCGoogle cookie that maintains user session state and preferences on Google
__Secure-1PSIDCCGoogle cookie that tracks user preferences and behavior across Google services to personalize ads and content, sharing data with third-party websites that use Google
__Secure-3PSIDCCGoogle cookie that tracks user preferences and behavior across third-party websites that use Google services to personalize ads and content, sharing data with Google and its
_gaGoogle Session and Analytics cookie that identifies unique users for website analytics and tracks basic browsing
_gidGoogle Analytics cookies used to distinguish
_gat_UA-83031309-4Google Analytics cookie used for rate limiting and traffic
__cf_bmCloudflare cookie used for bot management and
SIDYouTube cookie used for Session management, Personalization, and ad
__Secure-1PSIDTSYouTube cookie used for personalization and tracking across Google
__Secure-3PSIDTSYouTube cookie used for personalization and tracking across third-party
__Secure-1PSIDYouTube cookie used for personalization and tracking across Google
__Secure-3PSIDYouTube cookie used for personalization and tracking across third-party
HSIDYouTube cookie used for User identification and account security, Session management and preventing unauthorized
SSIDGoogle cookie used for session management and user
APISIDYoutube cookie that tracks user actions and preferences on YouTube to personalize content and advertising, potentially sharing data across Google services and
SAPISIDYoutube cookie used for personalization and targeted advertising on
__Secure-1PAPISIDYoutube cookie that tracks user preferences and behavior across Google services to personalize ads and content, potentially sharing data with third-party websites that use Google
__Secure-3PAPISIDYoutube cookie that tracks user preferences and behavior across third-party websites that use Google services to personalize ads and content, sharing data with Google and its
OTZGoogle session cookie for session management, security and fraud prevention, and assists with two-factor
SMSVTBD but appears to be used for session management and
LSIDGoogle cookie used for session management, security, fraud prevention and
__Host-1PLSIDGoogle cookie used for personalization and secure authentication, and ad
__Host-3PLSIDGoogle cookie used for personalization and secure authentication, and ad
ACCOUNT_CHOOSERGoogle cookie that simplifies account switching and personalizes the signin and


CookieType and functionProfilingHosting domain
6suuid6Sense tracking cookie that registers user behaviour and navigation on the website, and any interaction with active campaigns. This is used for optimizing advertisement and for efficient
test_cookieThis is a tracking cookie
__cf_bmCloudflare cookie used for bot management and
_cfuvidCloudFlare cookie used for bot protection, security, and
lidcLinkedIn cookie used for load balancing to distribute traffic across different servers within LinkedIn’s
UserMatchHistoryLinkedIn tracking cookie that synchronizes user identifiers and tracks ad
AnalyticsSyncHistoryLinkedIn tracking
li_sugrLinkedIn tracking
bcookieLinkedIn tracking cookie that tracks user engagement with LinkedIn content and
_rdt_uuidReddit cookie used to attribute conversions back to Reddit ads, and
_gcl_auGoogle tracking cookie used to track ad conversions, attributions and to measure campaign
_hjSessionUser_2953152Hotjar cookie used to maintain user sessions on websites using
_ga_E7MDVGK2JNGoogle Analytics tracking cookie used to track unique
_galiGoogle Analytics tracking cookie used to track link
_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgressHotJar cookie used to store session
_hjSession_2953152HotJar cookie used to store session
_hjFirstSeenHotJar cookie used to distinguish whether a visitor is seen for the first time on a
_gaGoogle Session and Analytics cookie that identifies unique users for website analytics and tracks basic browsing
_gidGoogle Analytics cookies used to distinguish
_gat_UA-179483902-1Google Analytics cookie used for rate
__hssrcHubspot cookie used to track session
__hs_opt_outHubspot cookie used to store a visitor’s opt-out choices for HubSpot
__hs_initial_opt_inHubspot cookie used to store a visitor’s initial opt-in choice for HubSpot
__hstcHubSpot marketing cookie that tracks user behavior and interactions and is used to build user
hubspotutkHubSpot cookie that tracks individual visitors across different websites and
__hsscHubSpot cookie that tracks session duration informationUndetermined – Potentially a
_hjIncludedInSessionSample_2953152HotJar cookie that tracks a particular user session is included in its session recordings and
visitorIdZoominfo cookie that assigns a unique identifier to each visitor, and enabled visitor identification and data
bscookieLinkedIn cookie used for remembering that a logged in user is verified by two factor authentication and has previously logged in
_cfuvidCloudFlare cookie used for bot protection, security, and
__cf_bmCloudflare cookie used for bot management and
site_identitySalesloft cookie that tracks user activity and identifies individual visitors across different websites and sessions, potentially building user profiles for targeted advertising or
crumbN/A – Squarespect-specificN/
sliregSalesloft tracking
sliguidSalesloft tracking cookie assigned to individual users across websites and
slirequestedSalesloft tracking cookie used for managing user consent and preferences for
_gd_visitor6Sense cookie used to track visitor behavior and
_gd_session6Sense cookie used to track and maintain visitor session data within 6sense’s
ss_cvrN/A – Squarespace-specificN/
ss_cvtN/A – Squarespace-specificN/
_gd_svisitor6Sense cookie used to uniquely identify site

On your initial visit to our Site and/or the Application, we will ask for your consent to use cookies. You may withdraw your consent by going to your web browsers settings. Almost all web browsers allow you to verify which cookies are present on your personal hard drives, block all the cookies or receive a notification any time a cookie is installed. In certain cases, however, failure to install a cookie may lead to the impossibility to use certain sections of the Site and/or Application.