The Reactor Platform

Low Code Intelligent Pipeline

The fastest, most efficient path to useful data models
ready for generative AI, analytics and activation.

Reactor-Low-Code Intelligent Data Pipeline
Reactor-Low-Code Intelligent Data Pipeline

Ingest Mapping

Platform Capability

“Atomic” (not message-level) semantic mapping engine. Break raw data down into field-level granularity, standardize it, and structure it BEFORE it gets into your data warehouse.

Why You Should Care

Teams will have a flexible data structure to work with in the data warehouse, and it’s faster for teams to get to their insights because the data has been catalogued in real time.

  • Flexible Data Structure
  • Faster Access to Insights
  • Real-time Data Cataloging

Semantic Pipeline

Platform Capability

Common “business-ready” semantic definitions. Map data using common semantics to align fields and values across sources.

Why You Should Care

A unified data set that is immediately usable. Aligning conventions gives every piece of data meaning and purpose.

  • Immediately Usable
  • Alignment of Convention
  • Data with a Purpose
Reactor Platform Semantic Pipeline

Shared Understanding at Ingest

Platform Capability

Business-ready semantic definitions are created at the earliest possible (“upstream”) moment.

Why You Should Care

Mapping at ingest (the earliest possible moment in the data pipeline) means context and governance is shareable across all downstream systems and use cases.

  • Ingest Mapping for Context
  • Governance to Downstream
  • Enhanced Usability

LCNC Experience

Platform Capability

Low-code/no-code experience.
Cataloging and mapping occurs in a low-code/no-code platform that shifts data engineering focus from data plumbing to strategic insights.

Why You Should Care

Democratize (for all employees) and consumerize (for non-engineers) the work.

Create transformations and logic that don’t require engineering resources.

Create as many mappings as necessary to meet business requirements without additional engineering resources.

  • Democratize & Consumerize Work
  • Logic Without Engineering
  • Flexible Mappings
Reactor Mapping-Configuration

Four reasons Reactor is the perfect data onboarding solution

Save money on cloud data warehousing & focus your data team on strategic insights.

  • Low code / no code pipelines
  • A complete semantic layer
  • Future-proof data replay
  • Part of your modern data stack
0 K+

Data Transformation

0 %

Cloud Cost Savings

0 B+

Events Processed

0 ms

Transformation Time

Get Started with Reactor

Simplify the complex data challenges across your entire enterprise

Get started with Reactor today and accelerate your adoption of generative AI, analytics and data activation.